‘Rite of Transition’ is an autobiographical play dedicated to the processes of bodily, hormonal, social and ecological transition. As a scientific experiment open to the public, it is also an ode to queer parenthood and childhood, playing with the language that is transmitted and that passes between the mouths of adults and the mouths of children (and vice versa). Ritó will construct a political fable about bodies, families and worlds that seem to be disappearing even from the language of children.
How can we talk about a whole range of species and voices that have disappeared from the world? How can we talk about what is changing and moving faster and faster? And what about new ‘soft robotics’ or liquid nano-interfaces that have rapidly changed the landscape of science and ecology, and are not always accessible in new metaphors for understanding the world? For example, TestoGel, applied to R.’s arm every night? Or the pollution of water with oestrogen, which has caused cases of precocious puberty?
‘Rite of Transition’ will also be a shared rite of transition, which experiments with an intergenerational language and an interstitial perspective between the arts and sciences.
This creation concludes the research process that Ritó Natálio carried out over three years as part of the STAGES project (Sustainable Theatre Alliance for a Green Environmental Shift), co-funded by the European Union and of which the D. Maria II National Theatre is a partner.