PHD Anthropology

[in process]

Anthropocenic Effet
Ecological crisis and humanity-nature perceptions in artistic and ethnographic practice

Prof. Margarida Brito Alves (FCSH-UNL)
Prof. Renato Sztutman (FFLCH- USP)

FCT PD/BD/128483/2017

University of Lisbon – Instituto de História de Arte
University of Sao Paulo – Programa de Antropologia Social

This project will focus in the relationship between art and the Anthropocene/Capitalocene, particularly within visual and performing arts. We will try to approach a recent and substantial body of humanities scholarship in response to rapid climate change in the 21st century with a reflection about contemporary artistic production, curatorship and aesthetics. This relationship will request a historical and comparative incursion throught Western and extra-Western models of nature and their implications in the artistic and aesthetic field. A special focus will be given to South American anthropological literature and its debate about what “nature” is for indigenous peoples and how it has been linked to the current climate crisis. This research will be traversed by a comparative analysis of works of art that point to possible and partial conections between art, ecology and the Anthropocene.