To know the History of Dance in Portugal is, today, to think in a global space, crossed and in relation. The historical, social and political dimension invoked in the exhibition project For a Timeline to Be – Genealogies of Dance as Artistic Practice in Portugal, which we are presenting in the Foyers of the Serralves Auditorium as part of the 6th Edition of the DDD Festival, will surely contribute to our knowledge of this field.
Starting from a reflection on the present, the team behind the exhibition has constructed a complex historical and artistic methodology that has led them to carry out in-depth and multidisciplinary research, forever ongoing, into the creative, philosophical and symbolic processes that have marked Dance in the 20th and early 21st centuries in Portugal.
For a Timeline to Be – Genealogies of Dance as Artistic Practice in Portugal is a collective exercise signalling milestones of the development and dissemination of dance as artistic practice in Portugal in the 20th and 21st centuries. Carried out intermittently since 2016 and assuming the present as the place of enunciation, each edition undergoes mutations that lead to physical and methodological reconfigurations of what is given to view. It combines bibliographic sources with listening to testimonies, collecting original documents with iconographic research, drawing narratives and relationships, seeking to create a multiple place for understanding what dance is or can be, and proposing a familiarity with works, authors, “canons”, corporalities, epochs and worldviews, questioning them aesthetically and politically.
Curators, researchers and editors: Ana Bigotte Vieira, Carlos Manuel Oliveira, João dos Santos Martins
Graphic design, diagram and installation: Atelier Letra (Marco Balesteros assisted by Pedro Sousa)
Guest editors (2019-20): Luísa Roubaud, Mariana Pinho, Paula Caspão, Rahul Kumar, Raquel Afonso, Rita Luís, Rita Natálio, Rogério Nuno Costa
Contributors (2016-20): Alexandra Balona, Ana Cristina Vicente, Ana Dinger, Ana Mira, Ana Rita Teodoro, André e. Teodósio, António Cascais, Cristiana Rocha, Cristina Grande, Cristina Santos, Daniel Tércio, Duarte Bénard da Costa, Elisabete Paiva, Ezequiel Santos, Fernando Cascais, Gil Mendo, Gustavo Vicente, Joclécio Azevedo, Magda Henriques, Margarida Bettencourt, Maria José Fazenda, Mariana Brandão, Mariana Pinto dos Santos, Miguel Pereira, Mónica Guerreiro, Paula Garcia, Tiago Bartolomeu Costa
Installation assistant: Zeca Iglésias
Web programming and design (in construction): Sara Orsi
FLUL interns: (2021) Raquel Sauremaa; (2019) Ana Filipa Fernandes, Helena Trezentos Borges, Joana Carrasco
Co-production: (2020-21) Fundação de Serralves, Associação Parasita; (2019) Alkantara Festival, Centre National de la Danse (Pantin) — Aide à la recherche et au patrimoine en danse, Materiais Diversos; (2017) República Portuguesa: Cultura/DGArtes Direção-Geral das Artes, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Teatro Viriato
Support: ICNova, Instituto de História Contemporânea*; (2019) O Rumo do Fumo, ESD, Atelier REAL; (2017) Livraria Tigre de Papel, Teatro Sá da Bandeira — Santarém, For the years 2020-2021 Associação Parasita is recipient of the Sustainable Support to the Arts of the Portuguese Republic | Culture and the Directorate-General for the Arts.
Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements: Ana Schefer & Teo Furtado, Ana Pais, Ana Mira, António Laginha/Centro Dança de Oeiras, António Liberato, Bernardino Aranda, Diana Martins, David Guéniot, Diogo Branco, Emília Rosa, Filipe Viegas, Forum Dança, Francisco Camacho, Joana Patita, José Sasportes, Josseline Black, Júlia Bigotte Aranda, Leonor Lopes, Leonor Mendes, Liliana Coutinho, Luiz Antunes, Madalena Victorino, Mafalda Aguiar (FCG), Margarida Carmo & Maria João Salomão, Margarida Franco, Maria de Assis, Maria Filomena Molder, Maria João Brilhante, Maria João Guardão, Miguel Cardoso, Nadia Lauro, Nuno Domingos, Paula Braga (TNSJ), Peter Schau, Rosa Paula Pinto, Rui Lopes, Sara Canavezes (TMBD), Sofia Patrão (MNTD), Susana Neves, and all the artists and structures that so generously contributed with archival material.